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创业公司10条成功准则 发表时间:2009-01-07 20:07 浏览数量:1609


1. Don’t wait for a revolutionary idea. It will never happen. Just

focus on a simple, exciting, empty space and execute as fast as possible 不要等到有一个革命性的想法才开始,关注那些简单、刺激的空白领域,做的时候要越快越好

2.Share your idea. The more you share, the more you get advice and the more you learn. Meet and talk to your competitors. 和别人分享你的想法,分享的越多,得到的建议越多,和你的竞争对手聊天

3.Build a community. Use blogging and social software to make sure people hear about you. 建立一个社区,让大家都能听到你的声音

4.Listen to your community. Answer questions and build your product with their feedback. 倾听你的社区里的声音,回答他们的问题,然后把反馈变成你的产品

5.Gather a great team. Select those with very different skills from you. Look for people who are better than you. 组织强大的团队,选择与你技能不同的队员,寻找比你卓越的人

6.Be the first to recognise a problem. Everyone makes mistakes. Address the issue in public, learn about and correct it. 做能第一个发现问题的人,研究问题并解决它

7.Don’t spend time on market research. Launch test versions as early as possible. Keep improving the product in the open. 不要浪费时间在市场调查,尽早把测试版本投入运行,在开放的环境不断改进

8.Don’t obsess over spreadsheet business plans. They are not going to turn out as you predict, in any case. 不要与商业计划纠缠,它们不会按你的预期发生

9.Don’t plan a big marketing effort. It’s much more important and powerful that your community loves the product. 不要计划实施大的商业活动,你的社区喜欢你的产品才是最重要的和最有力的优势

10.Don’t focus on getting rich. Focus on your users. Money is a consequence of success, not a goal. 不要专注在发财上,金钱是成功的果实,而不是目标 本帖最后由 xyzgc001 于 2009-1-7 20:08 编辑 ]

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