两年前新奥尔良刮飓风Katrina的时候,很多人撤到了我们附近投奔亲友,我的“聪明”的学生可没错过绝好的不做作业的机会。有一次我的一个学生没做作业,煞有其事地告诉我家里来了好多躲飓风的亲戚,家里卧室床都睡满了,堂兄表妹们不得不睡地铺了,家里所有床垫褥子都用上了,最后他不得不贡献出了书本纸张铺地铺用,所以我的作业纸也未能幸免地牺牲掉了。 我还得骄傲我的薄薄的作业纸还为飓风难民做了点绵薄的贡献呢!
I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to MY TEACHER'S already heavy workload.
I made a paper plane out of it and it got hijacked.
I put it in a safe, but lost the combination.
Some aliens from outer space borrowed it so they could study how the human brain worked.
I loaned it to a friend, but he suddenly moved away.
I left it in my shirt and my mother put the shirt for washing.
My little sister ate it.
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A sudden wind blew it out of my hand and I never saw it again.
I was kidnapped by terrorists and they only just let me go, so I didn't have time to do it.
The lights in our house went out, and I had to burn it to get enough light to see the fuse box.
Another pupil fell in a lake, and I jumped in to rescue him but unfortunately my homework drown.
I used it to fill a hole in my shoe, you wouldn't want it now.
My father had a nervous breakdown and he cut it up to make paper dolls.
I didn't do it, because I didn't want the other kids in the class to look bad.
:o ??
I didn't do it, because I didn't want the other kids in the class to look bad.