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Cararu – newspapers 发表时间:2009-08-28 19:19 浏览数量:777

All aspiring journalists and/or reporters, editors and managers who are drawn to publishing business, now is your chance. Cararu launched newspapers which are available for each city and to aspiring staff who wants to start publishing as a team newspaper first part time and down the road switch to full time.

Coworkers – independent contractors can run own newspaper and get paid from Advertisement at their newspaper and from posted featured classifieds. Every newspaper has several revenue streams which publishing team share.

Profiles wanted are: Editor in Chief, Journalists, Reporters, skilled writers for with expertise for particular column (for example: medical, food critic, etc.), Advertising Managers, Sales Reps, Category and City Managers of Classifieds.

You can start working in a team part time and work yourself towards your dream. Switch full time later when you can afford it.

Register here: http://cararu.com/sign.php?ref=178

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